
24 Weeks..

Here are the belly pics for week 24! This pregnancy just keeps moving right along! I feel great so far. No pains or aches. Just gaining a ton of weight... oh well I'll worry about that after this little guy gets here! :)

 Here are some 3D ultrasound pics we got at the dr. just barely. He's looking more and more like a little baby each day. Don't ask me why he's frowning, but he is... probably because the tech was pushing him all around doing the ultrasound! 


Josh and Kensey said...

I forgot to ask you how your appointment went!! I hope all is well, and I'm glad that your pregnancy has treated you well... Good Boy Karston!!:)

Melissa said...

Ah! You are such a darling pregnant lady. Wait a minute- how is it that the second you are prego, people can start calling you a lady? Sounds so old. Let me rephrase that, such a cute pregnant girl. Ooh, that sounds underage. Well, you are beautiful. Can't wait to see the little guy at Christmas!